4 Common Misconceptions about PRP
November 10, 2021

Medical professionals use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to mitigate pain and help patients heal more quickly. However, several misconceptions about this therapy have developed over time. Focus on the truth about PRP treatments with Sarasota/Bradenton Spine & Joint by calling (941) 265-8664.

#1: PRP Treatments Are Risky

PRP uses blood products. For this reason, some people assume the procedure must be risky. However, PRP treatments use blood drawn from the patient, meaning your body should not reject the treatment or experience an allergic reaction.

#2: PRP Causes a Lot of Pain

Most patients complete a PRP treatment after getting only a few needles. Generally, patients handle the slight discomfort from the needles without complaint, though you can also request a topical anesthetic if you worry about the irritation.

#3: PRP Offers Limited Effectiveness

PRP treatments specifically help jump-start your body’s healing process. While some people claim the process does not work, it has proven to be an effective treatment for patients dealing with chronic conditions and injuries.

PRP reduces inflammation and boosts healing by adding growth factors where they’re needed most by your body.

#4: PRP Takes a Long Time

Have you heard that a PRP treatment could take most of your day? In fact, PRP treatments usually finish within two hours, so you do not have to plan around a lengthy recovery time when you get a PRP treatment.

Generally, you can go on with your day as usual after your treatment, as you don’t have to worry about any invasive procedures.

Set Up Your PRP Treatment in Florida

Do you have more questions about PRP treatments? Contact our team at Sarasota/Bradenton Spine & Joint at (941) 265-8664 to get professional answers and set up an appointment with us for PRP treatment in Florida.


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