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What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a painfully debilitating, condition which occurs when the major nerve running down either leg becomes impinged or inflamed. The condition typically originates in the lower back, the sciatic notch in the pelvis, and is caused by misalignment of spinal vertebrae or spasm of the back musculature. Both misalignment and spasm of the back musculature can cause irritation and inflammation of spinal nerves.
Sciatica can be caused by accidents, falls, sports related trauma, poor posture or musculature that is both strained and weakened. The pain can be excruciating, and it will refer down the affected leg.

Signs and symptoms of Sciatica include:
These symptoms can be accompanied by arresting lower back pain and/or a loss of normal range of motion for the patient. An integrated approach to treatment which employs physical therapy, massage, imaging and chiropractic are an excellent approach for the condition of Sciatica.
Pain in the upper leg and/or thigh, which typically extends posteriorly down the back of the leg.
Pain in the lower legs and calves.
Weakness in the legs.
Numbness and tingling in the feet.
Tennis Elbow
Tendonitis & Ligament Sprains
Chronic Knee Pain
Muscle Strains
Call us today to find out more about our safe non-invasive approach and/or to schedule an appointment.
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