Neck Pain
Get Natural Pain Relief Therapy That Works
Neck Pain Associated with Auto Accidents
Automobile accidents and injuries are an unfortunate aspect of our modern and mobile life. Injuries can run the gamut from simple abrasions to potential traumatic brain injury caused by whiplash, as well as disc injury. It is important to have a local medical resource in the community, one capable of treating your injury in an expedient and superior manner but still understanding that you will feel your best when you can get home fast.
At Sarasota Spine & Joint and Bradenton Spine & Joint we are experienced in all aspects of motor vehicle accident injury rehabilitation and the ongoing recovery associated with such accidents. All medical treatment and care is one-on-one, with members of our team guiding you through each step of physical rehabilitation. If it is both appropriate and necessary, we will consult with medical doctors of different disciplines to build your personal comprehensive physical treatment plan.

Prevent Sarasota With a Simple
In-Office Protocol
Sarasota Spine & Joint and Bradenton Spine & Joint is not part of a major chain, with just one devoted office in Sarasota and a second office serving the residents of Bradenton. This approach allows our team the opportunity to treat our patients as real people, rather than part of a quota that an insurance company requires we hit in a specific month. The only goal we have is to return you to a life free of pain.
All patients will undergo our normal comprehensive examination but, in addition, Sarasota Spine & Joint and Bradenton Spine & Joint will: